High Intensity Multifocal Ultrassound

This technique allows to apply acoustic energy (ultrasound) to a specific point, generating heat, causing a thermomechanical effect, which can destroy the subcutaneous adipose tissue without damaging the dermis, epidermis, or adjacent tissues.
These ultrasounds release heat and have a controlled pressure, so that fat cells are unable to resist these vibrations at high temperatures, easily breaking down fat and eliminating it little by little through the body.
It is possible to reduce the volume from the first session.
It is a non-invasive treatment, being an extremely safe and effective technology that results in an incredible body remodeling. It is painless and is a device capable of eliminating localized fat without resorting to surgery or perforations, without discomfort and bruising.
With a balanced diet, good fluid intake and a healthy lifestyle, the direct application of the HIMFU system produces the destruction of adipose tissue, in a single session a measure of 1 to 3 cm in diameter can be lost.
Time of treatment: 40 minutes per zone.

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