
The process involves the injection of products tolerated by the body to reduce localized fat, eliminate cellulite and eliminate or prevent fluid retention.
Body mesotherapy stimulates the metabolism in a natural way to achieve the desired results, be it reducing volume and draining, reaffirming or restructuring the skin. According to the procedure adopted, different results are achieved.
It is recommended for cellulite, localized fat and fluid retention.
For a reduction and drainage effect, mesotherapy stimulates the release of fat from adipocytes at the cellular level, activates vascular microcirculation and favors the lymphatic drainage of accumulated toxins.
For an anti-cellulite effect, mesotherapy generates a draining and lipolytic action to combat excessive sagging and dry skin and eliminate cellulite.
For a tensor and firming effect, mesotherapy with organic silicon combats the reduction of elasticity, smoothness and thickness of the skin, regenerating its structure.
The results are progressive in any of the procedures and visible from the third or fourth session.
Time of treatment: depends on the size of the area to be treated

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